Dziecko kurwy i szatana

„OK, panowie, ja wygrałem za tę Idę  tu, w Hollywood, ale w Polsce mam przesrane”.

Polecam (podobnie zresztą jak robi to matka moich trzech wnuków):

Polska kultura w ruinie

Gallus Anonymus Americanus

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2 myśli nt. „Dziecko kurwy i szatana”

  1. Sorry I am writing in English, but I can’t do it in Polish (although I can read and speak the language). I am basically aghast at what’s been happening in Poland in the past few months. Is this still the country of Chopin, Wajda, Witkacy, Grotowski, and countless other world-famous artists? What the hell is wrong with you people? You achieved incredible things in the last quarter century, and now you seem to be recklessly pissing all of this away. Shame.

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